Bitcoin ABC or Bitcoin SV?
This article was written by Greg Wyche. This does not represent the opinion of Jared Schlar. Bitcoin prices fell significantly on 11/14, as a response to the impending fork by bitcoin cash, according to Brian Kelly [1], CEO and Founder of cryto-investment corporation BKCM LLC. [2] Ars Technica reported a 24 hour decline of over 12% Wednesday. [4] Meanwhile, Roger Ver of Bitcoin ABC alleges that November 3rd, Roger Ver sent him a vitriolic e-mail, expressing his willingness to freeze trading of Bitcoin Cash for 2 years, that he hates Ver and that he would prefer Bitcoin "die" rather than become dominated by Bitcoin ABC. He states that he regards the conflict between SV and ABC as a war and that Ver is his enemy. [3] One wonders if a large 687,000 transaction spike on Aug 1st, described by the BCH stress test team through twitter as proof of BCH's scalability [11] will make an impression that lends confidence to those users who believe that Bitcoin Cash is already capable o...